Early retirement, Investment strategy, Property

Considering Property Investment and My FI plan – Part 1

Recently, I've been toying with the idea of investing in a property primarily as a way of growing my passive income in ‘old age’, something not exactly pleasant or exciting to think about but would probably be foolish for me to dismiss given that if we’re lucky enough, we’re likely to live to a ripe,… Continue reading Considering Property Investment and My FI plan – Part 1

Financial planning, Investment strategy, Old age, Property

The inconvenience of the twilight years: Figuring later-life into your FI strategy

My posts have been more sporadic of late not because my blogging honeymoon period is over, but because I’ve been working my ass off. Whether it’s worth it considering my plans for a "career change" is a good question for another post. But in snatches of time between super long work days and parenting, something… Continue reading The inconvenience of the twilight years: Figuring later-life into your FI strategy