Early retirement, Goal setting, Life, Personal development

The Four Burners Theory and the Why of FI

What's the secret to success in life whatever that means to you? Well, I recently came across the four burners theory*, which in short, purports that each symbolic burner represents a specific important area of your life (see my stove representation below), and in order to excel in one area, you must cut off one… Continue reading The Four Burners Theory and the Why of FI

About me, Finances, Goal setting, Midlife gap year, Personal development

The Journey So Far: Reflections & revelations

So, 3 weeks into blogging now…. And I’m really enjoying it! I’m grateful to all who stop by (that’s you!) and those who take a peruse around. It's starting to look like a blog now and not a few 'articles' that may fizzle out any moment. I’ve had my first non-promotive-type subscribers and comments. So,… Continue reading The Journey So Far: Reflections & revelations

Goal setting, Midlife gap year, Personal development

Living authentically means living with inner conflict

So, fresh out of my first ever life coaching session yesterday, pondering about my midlife gap year plan I am trying to commit myself to (in 12 months’ time), the succinct quote below is what's left ringing in my ears. I'm not sure why, but I responded with "Yes, do you think so?" The answers… Continue reading Living authentically means living with inner conflict

Early retirement, Goal setting, Midlife gap year, Personal development

Human wholeness – in the pursuit of FI

Earning the surplus time to eventually focus on me in a Meaningful Way. This includes realigning my relationships with the world. A bit like a life physio. That's in short what I want out of financial independence (FI) / early retirement.  "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts' For so long I've… Continue reading Human wholeness – in the pursuit of FI

Goal setting, Goals, Midlife gap year, Personal development

The secret life of an FIer

Over the last year, I've been reading lots of FI* books and blogs, squirreling away ideas and mulling them over in my head. There were some good principles, but frankly I wasn't sure how to implement what I was learning as actually I wanted to take a year out... I wanted to be FI now!… Continue reading The secret life of an FIer