Early retirement, Goal setting, Life, Personal development

The Four Burners Theory and the Why of FI

What's the secret to success in life whatever that means to you? Well, I recently came across the four burners theory*, which in short, purports that each symbolic burner represents a specific important area of your life (see my stove representation below), and in order to excel in one area, you must cut off one… Continue reading The Four Burners Theory and the Why of FI

About me, Life, Personal development

Discoveries in lockdown: Lessons to take away…

"Unprecedented events create new experiences. What fun, misadventure, or positive discoveries have you encountered while locked down?"-Savings Ninja thought experiment -The Covid-19 Edition If you're not familiar with Savings Ninja's thought experiments, these hypothetical propositions appear every second month on his blog, and this is my first go at joining in with the fun. This… Continue reading Discoveries in lockdown: Lessons to take away…

Frugal living, Personal development

Five things I’m taking a while to (un)learn

I was reading The Squirreler's post about important 'truths' she had to unlearn about money, work and financial independence (FI), which led me to reflect on my own relationship with money. I started thinking about the things I’ve had to unlearn, and I started constructing a kind-of list, but it didn’t sit quite right with… Continue reading Five things I’m taking a while to (un)learn

About me, Life, Midlife gap year, Personal development

Midlife schmidlife: An honest meditation

How do I feel about this gradually changing me? It's easy to forget that no life transition is easy. Teenhood, adulthood... Teething problems to say the least! But unlike those other times, 'midlife' conjures up much less little excitement for a life unwritten, especially from an agecentric young person's perspective. I must accept this reality,… Continue reading Midlife schmidlife: An honest meditation

About me, Finances, Goal setting, Midlife gap year, Personal development

The Journey So Far: Reflections & revelations

So, 3 weeks into blogging now…. And I’m really enjoying it! I’m grateful to all who stop by (that’s you!) and those who take a peruse around. It's starting to look like a blog now and not a few 'articles' that may fizzle out any moment. I’ve had my first non-promotive-type subscribers and comments. So,… Continue reading The Journey So Far: Reflections & revelations

Early retirement, Personal development

Luck and bias in the FI mindset

How many times did your stars align to help you toward your current financial status? I was reading The Ermine's well written post entitled 'FIRE is for the few not Many' , which discusses the important role of luck on the journey to financial independence (FI). I must agree, if you're aiming for FI, you're… Continue reading Luck and bias in the FI mindset

Minimalism, Personal development

Packing minimalism

We're packing for a long weekend in the Firelite household, and I felt this an opportune moment to reflect on my travel packing philosophy. I must admit I've had many years of practice of travelling light, but for most of that time, I thought I was travelling light when I was in fact only travelling… Continue reading Packing minimalism

Goal setting, Midlife gap year, Personal development

Living authentically means living with inner conflict

So, fresh out of my first ever life coaching session yesterday, pondering about my midlife gap year plan I am trying to commit myself to (in 12 months’ time), the succinct quote below is what's left ringing in my ears. I'm not sure why, but I responded with "Yes, do you think so?" The answers… Continue reading Living authentically means living with inner conflict

Early retirement, Goal setting, Midlife gap year, Personal development

Human wholeness – in the pursuit of FI

Earning the surplus time to eventually focus on me in a Meaningful Way. This includes realigning my relationships with the world. A bit like a life physio. That's in short what I want out of financial independence (FI) / early retirement.  "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts' For so long I've… Continue reading Human wholeness – in the pursuit of FI

Goals, Lifestyle, Personal development

What’s better than happiness?

There's a lot written about happiness, and these days, we even search for life hacks to overcome “hedonic adaptation” – how you're initially very happy with a new situation or purchase but soon return to your 'happiness set point’*. Happiness sells. And you can see why; it's the prototypical, unadulterated positive emotion. Who wouldn't want… Continue reading What’s better than happiness?